Live hot cooking category
『Freshly cooked Chinese cuisine/freshly cooked Western cuisine/freshly cooked indigenous cuisine/freshly cooked exotic cuisine.』
Location: Kun Shan University
No. 195, Kunda Rd, Yongkang District, Tainan City, Taiwan 710
一、競賽規則 Competition rules
1、 參賽者需於規定時間至現場完成檢錄,逾時即喪失競賽資格,競賽過程需著整齊廚師服、圍裙、廚師帽及工作鞋進行比賽。服裝不得露出參賽者大名及可辨別身份之記號,以示公正。 Contestants must complete the check-in at the site within the specified time.
Contestants who do not completely check in on time will be disqualified. During the competition, they must wear a chef's uniform, an apron, a chef's hat, and work shoes. The clothing must not reveal the contestant's name and identification.
2、 競賽料理時間依各競賽主題不同,請詳閱資料說明,競賽須全程現場操作料理,可事先切割清洗食材,可攜帶無調味清高湯,所需食材及調味料、競賽過程中使用之料理器具,除大會公佈之設備清單外,連同裝盛餐盤器皿及食材皆由參賽者自備。 The cooking time varies based on the competition. Please read the information in detail. Cooking must be done on-site. The ingredients can be prepared in advance. Contestants are allowed to bring semi-finished ingredients including unseasoned clear broth, other ingredients and seasonings. In addition to the equipment provided by the event coordinators, contestants can bring their own flatware, utensils and other ingredients if needed.
3、 參賽者需於限時內依競賽項目規定提供成品 (每道菜色需製作 2 盤) ,並將其中一份成品交由工作人員送至評審室進行評分,另一份成品則需自行放置於大會規定之陳列桌供拍攝紀錄使用。未於時間內完成動作之參賽組別,評審將依狀況給予扣分。 Contestants must finish cooking within the time limit in accordance with competition regulations. Each dish needs to have 2 servings, one of which will be tasted by the judges on site, and the other one will be used for pictures. Contestants who fail to finish cooking on time will lose points from their final scoreboard.
4、 參賽者自行列印中英文食譜各 2 份於競賽現場提供,做為評審評鑑時參考依據,食譜表格需依大會提供之格式撰寫,如無提供食譜之參賽者作品不予評分。 Contestants shall bring 2 copies of each Chinese and English recipe and provide them to the judges.
Please use the template provided by the event coordinators. If there is no recipe
provided, the contestant's finished products will not be rated.
5、 創作過程得自由使用其它所需食材及醬料,但皆須符合衛生福利部食品安全衛生管理法相關規定;亦不得將其所開發之產品以他人名義報名參賽,未符前揭規定者,逕予取消競賽資格。 Contestants are allowed to use other ingredients and sauces, but all ingredients must comply with the relevant provisions of the Food Safety and Hygiene Management Law of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. It is also not allowed to register the finished product under the name of others. Those who do not follow the regulations will be disqualified.
6、 競賽現場由主辦單位提供每位參賽者: The event coordinators will provide each contestant with:
①中式廚房:料理台300x80cm 1式,單水槽工作台 1式,四門立式冷藏冰箱2式(共用), 四門立式冷凍冰箱2式(共用),中式雙口不銹鋼砲臺式快速爐1式 ,智能型萬能蒸烤箱 2式(共用) 。
Chinese kitchen: 1 cooking table with sink, 2 four-door refrigerators(sharing between all contestants),2 four-door freezers(sharing between all contestants),1 Chinese double burn work rang,2 FANCY Versatility steam oven(sharing between all contestants).
②西式廚房: 歐規四口爐下烤1式,桌上型電熱式油炸機1式,進口電熱式明火烤箱1式(2人共用),單水槽工作台1式,歐規工作台下櫃1式,四門立式冷藏冰箱4式(共用),四門立式冷凍冰箱1式(共用),智能型萬能蒸烤箱3式(共用) 。
Western kitchen:
1 Four-burner gas rang with oven,1 table top electric deep-fryer,1 Electric salamander(sharing between 2 contestants),1 cooking table with sink,1 cooking table with cabinet,4 four-door refrigerators(sharing between all contestants),1 four-door freezers(sharing between all contestants),3 FANCY Versatility steam oven(sharing between all contestants).
③(主辦單位提供之設備器具若有遺失或損壞需負賠償責任);如設備不敷使用,請自行攜帶(例如:均質機,食物調理器,舒肥機)現場僅提供 110v15 安培插座 1 式,不得使用延長線,如因個人攜帶設備造成現場電力跳電影響競賽,即取消參賽資格。 If the equipment and appliances provided by the event coordinators are lost or damaged by the contestants, contestants will be responsible for compensation If the equipment is not enough, you are allowed to bring your own devices(EX :Homogenizer,Hand-blender,Food Processor,Sous Vide cooker) . Only a 110v15 amp socket is provided on site. extension cords are not allowed. If there is a power outage caused by the contestant’s personal equipment, he or she will be disqualified and shall be responsible for the damages.
7、 成品裝盛用餐盤待評審試吃及拍攝完成後,將由主辦單位統一放置定點並通知參賽者自行撤場,主辦單位不負保管責任。 The contestant's personal flatware/china will be placed on the designated spot after the photo shoot and after the judges finish the tasting. Contestants will be notified when flatware/china are ready for pickup. The event coordinators are not responsible for them if they are missing or stolen.
8、 競賽所產生之廚餘,請選手自行打包後放置於大會指定之廚餘回收點,廚餘以外的垃圾請選手自行處理,但不得造成比賽現場之環境髒亂。 Contestants should place food waste in the designated area. Contestants should dispose of other waste by them selves and ensure the working station is clean.
9、 所有活動競賽相關時間如有更改,以大會最終公佈為準。 Any changes to the competitions will be announced by the organizer.
10、 依個人資料保護法第 8 條告知義務聲明,參賽者於報名填寫繳交個人 資料時,即為同意下方相關內容 According to the provisions of Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act(referred to as the Personal Information Law), the contestants are informed and agree upon the following matters during the registration:
①執行單位取得參賽者之個人資料,目的為辦理「2024臺南美食之都國際廚藝挑戰賽 」相關競賽作業之用,其蒐集、處理及利用參賽者之個人資料受到個人資料保護法及相關法令之規範。本次所蒐集參賽者之個人資料類別如報名表內文所列,利用方式為上網公告、報紙等媒體公布得獎名單,包括姓名、任職/就學單位、電子郵件、聯絡方式、得獎作品(含食譜)等,利用期間為永久,利用地區不限,對象為執行單位及2024臺南美食之都國際廚藝挑戰賽。 The personal data of the contestants collected by 2024 Tainan Food City International Culinary Challenge Organization and the event coordinators is solely for the competition operations of the "2024 Tainan Food City International Culinary Challenge ". The collection, process and use of the personal data of the contestants comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and related laws and regulations. The personal data of the contestants collected during the registration will be used for online announcements, press releases, and on other media platforms. The contestants personal data includes name, employment/school unit, email, contact information, winning dishes and recipes, etc. The information is not subject to any time and area restrictions.
②就執行單位所蒐集參賽者之個人資料,依個人資料保護法第 3 條規定得向執行單位請求查詢閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、停止蒐集、處理或利用,必要時亦可請求刪除,惟屬執行單位依法執行職務所必須保留者得不依參賽者請求為之。另依個人資料保護法第 14 條規定,執行單位得酌收行政作業費用。 According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, contestants can review, revise and edit personal information that is collected during the registration by TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators. They can also request copies and request the TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators to stop using their information. There will be a processing fee associated with the request.
③參賽者得自由選擇是否提供相關個人資料,惟若拒絕提供相關個人資料,執行單位將無法受理本件報名。如參賽者請求停止蒐集、處理、利用或刪除個人資料,致影響參賽資格時,視為放棄參賽。 Contestants have the right to choose whether to provide relevant personal information to TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators. If they refuse to provide relevant personal information, TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators will not be able to accept the application. The contestants will lose eligibility if they request to stop collecting, processing, using, or deleting personal information from the competition.
④本人同意遵守競賽規則,配合執行單位人員安排及接受執行單位和評審團的安排: Contestants agree to follow the rules listed below and cooperate with TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators during the entire reviewing process and the competition:
<1>、本人參賽所提供之產品配方、原料及食品添加物之使用及製作內容均符現行食品衛生安全法規與本競賽活動相關規定。 The ingredients, recipes, and any related items provided by the contestants in the competition will not violate the food hygiene and safety regulations and the rules of this competition.
<2>、本人參賽所提供之作品為原創,並且無侵害他人著作權或其他權益。 The finished product is original and does not infringe on the copyright or other rights of other individuals.
<3>、本人同意無條件、無限期的授權個人肖像、競賽成品資訊,包含作品名稱、創作理念及特色、食譜表、製作方式及作品成品照片...等,供主辦及執行單位使用,以一些已知或未知形式翻製宣傳其形象(如廣告、展覽會、投 影、網站、電子照片檔案庫等)。 Contestants agree to unconditionally and indefinitely authorize personal portraits and information of finished products including the name of the work, finished product’s description, recipe, cooking method, photos, etc. for marketing purposes and promotions arranged by TIC Taipei International Cooking Challenge Organization and the event coordinators (such as advertisements, exhibitions, projects, websites, electronic photo archives, etc.).
⑤本人同意本簡章所有規範及上述規則條款,如有違反,願自負一切民、刑事責任,並取消全部得獎資格之外,並繳回所有獎座及獎狀。 Contestants agree with all the regulations, the rules and the terms described above. If there is any violation, the individual will be responsible for all civil and criminal responsibilities and will be disqualified from the competition. All the prizes, medals, and certificates will need to be returned.
⑥本人保證參賽所提供之各項文件與內容,以及本切結書所載內容均屬實,並保證無侵害他人之相關智慧財產權,且恪遵本切結書所載之權利及義務。 Contestants guarantee that all the documents and content provided during the competition as well as the content contained in this agreement are true. Contestants agree that they will not infringe on the relevant intellectual property rights of others, and they will strictly abide by the rights and obligations contained in this agreement.
11、 依競賽項目,參賽者需提供之成品說明如下:
Based on the competition, the contestants must follow the below requirements:
C1 西式現烹 Western hot cooking Cuisine
1、每組參賽者以主廚一人。 Each team is limited to one chef.
2、競賽時間 50 分鐘,需現場製作 1 道主菜(每道需製作 2盤)。 The cooking time is 50 minutes. The dish has to be done on-site. 2 servings are required for each dish.
3、每道主菜至少需包括臺南在地農漁食材(例如:虱目魚; 白蝦; 牛肉)。 Each dish must include at least one type of Tainan local ingredients(such as: milkfish; shrimp ; beef).
4、每盤呈現皆為一人份使用,並搭配適當醬汁、澱粉及蔬菜。 Each serving is for one person. with appropriate sauce, starch and vegetables.
5、參賽者可自行攜帶具有文化特色器皿盛裝主菜呈現 Contestants may bring there own culture distinctive utensils to present their man courses
C2 中式現烹 Chinese Hot Cooking Cuisine
1、每組參賽者以主廚一人。 Each team is limited to one chef.
2、競賽時間 50 分鐘,需現場製作 1份主菜(每道需製作 2 盤)。 The cooking time is 50 minutes. A Chinese-style main course to be cooked on the spot (2 servings are required).
3、每道主菜至少需包括臺南在地農漁食材(例如:虱目魚; 白蝦; 牛肉)。 Each dish must include at least one type of Tainan local ingredients(such as: milkfish; shrimp; beef).
4、每盤呈現皆為一人份使用。 Each serving is for one person.
5、主菜須配以適當醬汁、蔬菜,不需澱粉。 The main course served with appropriate sauces and vegetables, without carbohydrate.
6、參賽者可自行攜帶具有文化特色器皿盛裝主菜呈現 Contestants may bring there own culture distinctive utensils to present their man courses
C3 原民現烹 Taiwanese Aboriginal Hot Cooking Cuisine
1、每組參賽者以主廚一人。 Each team is limited to one chef.
2、競賽時間 50 分鐘,需現場製作 1份主菜(每道需製作 2 盤)。 The cooking time is 50 minutes. A Aboriginal-style main course has to be cooked on the spot (2 servings are required).
3、每道主菜至少需包括臺南在地農漁食材(例如:虱目魚; 白蝦; 牛肉)。 Each dish must include at least one type of Tainan local ingredient (such as: milkfish; shrimp ; beef).
4、每道主菜除了原住民食材呈現外也必須要融入臺南的飲食文化。 Each dish must incorporate both indigenous ingredients and the culinary culture of Tainan.
5、參賽者的主菜作品可以使用該民族文化的擺盤呈現。 Contestants’ main course creations can be presented on plates using utensils from the corresponding ethnic culture.
6、每盤呈現皆為一人份使用。 Each serving is for one person.
7、比賽現場,僅提供基本調味,參賽者須依個別需求自行攜帶所需之特別調味料、香料。 Basic seasoning will only provide at the competition site. Participants are required to bring their own special seasoning and spices according to their individual needs.
C4 異國現烹 International Hot Cooking Cuisine
1、每組參賽者以主廚一人。 Each team is limited to one chef.
2、競賽時間 50 分鐘,需現場製作 1 道主菜(每道需製作 2 盤)。 The cooking time is 50 minutes. A Aboriginal-style main course has to be
cooked on the spot (2 servings are required).
3、每道主菜至少需包括臺南在地農漁食材(例如:虱目魚; 白蝦; 牛肉)。 Each dish must include at least one type of Tainan local ingredients (such as: milkfish; shrimp; beef).
4、比賽以參賽者家鄉的特色美食為主題,以呈現臺南的文化與特色為主旋律。 The theme of the competition is the special cuisine of the contestants' hometown, and the main theme is to present the cultural characteristics of the Tainan City.
5、比賽現場,僅提供基本調味,參賽者須依個別需求自行攜帶所需之特別調味料、香料。 Basic seasoning will only provide at the competition site. Participants are required to bring their own special seasoning and spices according to their individual needs.
6、參賽者的主菜作品可以使用該民族文化的器皿擺盤呈現。 Contestants’ main course creations can be presented on plates using utensils from the corresponding ethnic culture
12、 食材準則(烹調前置準備)Ingredient Guideline (mise en place)
①基本母醬- 允許先前置準備,但現場需要進⼀步烹調。Basic mother sauces – are permitted but must have further fabrication.
②沙拉- 可先清洗。Salad – cleaned and washed.
③蔬菜和水果- 可先清洗、切割/修剪(任何形狀),但必須是生的。Vegetables and fruits – cleaned, can be cut/trimmed (any shape) BUT must be raw.
④水果和蔬菜泥- 允許先前置準備,但不得先調味或是完成品。Fruit and vegetable purees – permitted but must not be seasoned or finished item.
<1>、無釉料或濃縮果汁 No glaze or concentrated juices.
<2>、允許使用乾燥水果或蔬菜粉 Dried fruit / or vegetable powder permitted.
<3>、允許使用脫水果或脫水膜 Dehydrated fruit or sheets permitted.
⑤允許前置準備植物炭黑及自製香料 Vegetable ash and home-made spice mixture are permitted.
⑥魚類- 可以先去內臟、去鱗、取菲力/分割,但必須是生的。 Fish – gutted, scaled can be filleted / portioned if required BUT must be raw.
⑦貝殼類/甲殼類- 可清洗、生的且可去殼。 Shellfish/ crustaceans – clean, raw, can be removed from their shell.
⑧ 肉類/家禽/野味- 可去骨、分割、修剪,但必須是生的。 Meat/Poultry/Game – can be deboned, portioned, trimmed but must be raw.
⑨ 蛋白質不能切碎,切碎必須在現場廚房完成。 Proteins – cannot be brought in minced. Mincing must be done in the kitchen.
⑩ 煙燻魚、義大利火腿、香腸、培根可攜帶,但需要在現場廚房進⼀步加工。 Smoked fish, prosciutto, chorizo, bacon – are allowed as long as they are further processed in the kitchen.
⑪ 所有裝飾須在現場製作。 Décor elements – 100% made on site.
<1>、不允許使用二氧化鈦、金屬粉末和人工食用色素。 No titanium dioxide – no metallic powder no artificial food colours are permitted.
<2>、雞蛋- 可以先分離蛋白蛋黃和巴氏殺菌。 Eggs – can be separated, and pasteurized
<3>、乾貨類可以提前秤重。 Dry ingredients can be pre-measured.
<4>、香料油跟奶油可以先前置準備。 Flavored oils and butter are allowed.
13、 報到 Registration
①第1場中式現烹與原民現烹參賽選手請於08:30~09:30完成報到手續 Competitors of the first Chinese cooking and Aboriginal cooking contest should complete the registration procedures between 08:30~09:30
②第2場西式現烹與異國現烹參賽選手請12:30~13:30完成報到手續 Competitors of the second Western-style fresh cooking and exotic fresh-cooking contest should complete the registration procedures from 12:30 to 13:30.
③報到時請攜帶身分證與相關文件 Please bring your ID card and relevant documents when checking in
14、 臺南永續友善農漁產品推薦網站 Recommended websites for sustainable and friendly agricultural and fishery products in Tainan
①直接跟農夫買 https://www.buydirectlyfromfarmers.tw/catalogue/Annan-giant-grouper-fillet-qiu_6139/
②臺灣肉牛產業發展協會 http://taiwanbeef.org.tw/
③臺南市農產運銷股份有限公司 https://www.t-apmc.com.tw/
二、評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、準備工作和整齊清潔 Preparation and Cleaning 10%
所有材料準備和工作使用妥善安排,比賽 前後清潔及合適的工作方法,工作時間分配及準時完成賽事。
Pre- competition preparation and post-competition cleaning. Time allocation and on-time completion.
2、正確及專業的烹調手法 correct and professional skill of Cooking 25%
正確的基本食材處理及衛生,準備工夫需 實際並能用於日常製作及避免過多的食材 廢料,必須於指定時間內完成作品,適當 的烹飪方法及技巧。Proper food handling and hygiene. Food preparation should be practical and can be used for daily life and it should avoid excessive food waste. Cooking must be done with proper cooking methods and skills and need to be completed within a specific time.
3、正常出菜時間 Normal serving time 5%
在要求的時間裡準時出餐是必要的要求標準,餐期的掌握是必要的條件。 Timely serving of dishes within the required time frame is a necessary standard, and the ability to manage serving times is essential.
4、擺設和外觀/創新 Presentation/creativity 10%
乾淨的擺設,避免過份堆砌,需使菜餚美 觀可口,迎合現代的烹調藝術。 Presentation should be clean and meet modern culinary experience.
5、口味 Taste 50%
中式熱烹成品需含適量醬汁、蔬菜,西式熱烹成品需含適量澱粉、醬汁、蔬菜,且 需保留食材原味,合適的味道,恰當的調 味料,於質量、口味及色彩方面,均能達 到現今的營養價值及標準。 Chinese style dishes should contain appropriate amounts of sauces and vegetables, while Western-style dishes must contain appropriate amounts of starch, sauces, and vegetables. The original flavors of the ingredients must be preserved, with appropriate seasonings. The dishes must meet today's nutritional value and standards in terms of quality, taste, and color.
備註 Remark:逾時一分鐘扣總分1分;超時5分鐘不予計分,取消比賽資格
A total of 1 point will be deducted for one minute overtime. If the timeout exceeds 5 minutes, no points will be scored and the competition will be disqualified.