2024/10/16 (三)
比賽地點: 臺南晶英酒店
A-Art Category (1)
"A1 Creative jelly flowers/A2 creative macarons/A3 Korean table flowers/A4 festival table decorations/A5 creative pastries"
Location:Silks Place Tainan
A1創意果凍花組 Creative Jelly Flower Set
一、 競賽規則 Competition rules
1、(花藝組): 比賽作品規格,圓形8吋果凍,用3D形式打成花型,整體以花卉構圖為主。
(Floral Art Category): The specifications of the competition work are: round 8-inch jelly with flower patterns in 3D form and the overall composition is mainly based on flowers.
2、(創意組): 比賽作品規格12吋長方形,以長28公分~35公分x寬18公分~25公分,用3D形式可以打成動物、植物、畫畫、雕刻、模具、模型,無限創意。
(Creative Group): Competition work specifications are 12 inches rectangular with a length of 28 to 35 centimeters and a width of 18 to 25 centimeters. The 3D form can be used to create animals, plants, paintings, sculptures, molds, and models with unlimited creativity.
3、展台布置,需用桌布展台布置60cm x 60cm
Booth layout requires tablecloth booth layout of 60cm x 60cm
Natural vegetable juices and pigments can be used (as long as the food is qualified)
Contestants must prepare a menu card with the title of their work and attach the creative concept and Chinese recipe list.
Need to have Tainan elements (or Tainan ingredients)
二、評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、是否符合臺南意象呈現 Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation 20%
2、透明度 Transparency 20%
3、創意構圖技巧 Creative Composition Techniques 20%
4、顏色明顯度 Color Visibility 10%
5、展台布置 Exhibit Booth Arrangement 30%
A2創意馬卡龍組 Creative Macaroon Set
一、 競賽規則 Competition rules
1、製作3種創意性馬卡龍,每種展示5個以上。 Make 3 types of creative macaroons, each displaying more than 5 pieces.
2、夾3種不同口味餡料。 3 different flavour fillings.
3、大小與造型自由發揮,展示主題自由選擇。 No restrictions on shape, size, and theme selection.
4、選手要準備作品名稱菜卡。 Participants must prepare a name card for their work.
5、需附上創作理念及中文配方表。 Attach creative concept and Chinese recipe list.
6、展示空間60×60cm。 Display table space 60×60cm
7、需有臺南元素意向(或臺南食材)Need to have Tainan elements (or Tainan ingredients)
二、 評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、是否符合臺南意象呈現 Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation 20%
2、創意及藝術性 Creativity and Artistry 20%
3、創意構圖技巧 Creative Composition Techniques 20%
4、色彩性 Color Properties 10%
5、展台布置 Exhibit Booth Arrangement 30%
A3韓式裱花組 Korean Flower Piping Cake Group
一、 競賽規則 Competition rules
1、符合臺南意象呈現 Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation
2、蛋糕組合整體感 Cake Assembly and Overall Appearance
①成品:4+6吋雙層,豆沙擠花裝飾蛋糕。 Finished product: 4+6 inches double-layer cake decorated with bean paste
piping and flowers
②蛋糕形狀不限制,(正方形,圓形,心型)。 There is no limit on the shape of the cake (square, round, heart-shaped, etc.)
③特殊立體造型(藤籃,帽子,花盆等等) Special 3D Shapes: (e.g., basket, hat, flower pot, etc.)
④蛋糕夾層(至少要有一層夾餡,請選手自行選擇4吋或6吋切片呈現)。 Cake layers (at least one layer of filling, participants may choose to present either a 4-inch or 6-inch slice)
⑤可以使用保麗龍代替真蛋糕。 Polystyrene can be used as a substitute for real cake.
⑥蛋糕高度至少15cm高。 Cake Height: At least 15 cm high
3、擠花花型裝飾配色 Flower Piping Decoration and Color Coordination
①擠花花型(至少3種以上),不包含花苞,花蕊,葉片裝飾技法。 Piping flower shapes (at least 3 types) not including flower buds, stamens, leaf decoration techniques.
②裝飾配色 Color Coordination
4、蛋糕抹面技巧 Cake Frosting Techniques
①蛋糕抹面要保持平滑。 Cake Frosting: Must be clean and smooth.
②豆沙狀態(不可龜裂) Bean Paste Consistency: Should not crack
③展台布置 Exhibit Booth Arrangement
④展示桌大小為60cm x 60cm。 Display table size is 60cm x 60cm.
⑤主題名稱與製作緣由、食譜與製程說明 Theme descriptions, reason for production, recipes, and process instructions
5、展台布置Exhibit Booth Arrangement
展示桌大小為 60cm x60cm。Display table size is 60cm x60cm.
主題名稱與製作緣由、食譜與製程說明 Theme descriptions and reason for production, recipes and process instructions
二、評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、符合臺南意象呈現 Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation 15%
2、蛋糕組合整體感 Cake Assembly and Overall Appearance 30%
3、擠花花型裝飾配色 Flower Piping Decoration and Color Coordination 20%
4、蛋糕抹面技巧 Cake Frosting Techniques 20%
5、展台布置 Exhibit Booth Arrangement 15%
A4節慶餐桌擺設組 Festive Table Setting Set
歡迎從事服務業參與,以及鼓勵學生、飯店、餐廳、烹飪業、邊境和餐飲公司的人員參加 People working in the service industry are welcome to participate, and students, hotels, restaurants, culinary industry professionals, and catering companies are encouraged to participate.
一、 競賽規則 Competition rules
1、競賽呈現方式:中式擺設/西式擺設(二擇一方式呈現) Competition Presentation Style: Choose between Chinese-style or Western-style presentation.
2、選用1份符合臺南在地風味食譜和餐食,並架設4位用餐者的餐桌擺設。Select one local Tainan-style recipe and meal, and set up a dining table for four people.
3、每張桌子中央必須有一個代表節慶的主視覺展示。Each table must have a central visual display representing the festival.
4、以桌子中心向外開始擺設。Start the setup from the center of the table and work outward.
5、參賽人員需自行攜帶物品:Participants must bring their own items:
食用之餐食。Items needed for the table setup, such as tablecloths, napkins, cutlery, crockery, cloths, and all other decorative items, as well as food that is ready to be eaten.
②創建自己的菜單卡支架,並且必須將其放在桌子上。Create your own menu card holder and place it on the table.
③競賽時間為60分鐘內完成所有設定包含競賽桌面及環境之整潔。The competition must be completed within 60 minutes, including setting up the competition table and ensuring the cleanliness of the environment.
6、主辦單位將提供:The organizer will provide:
1張IBM會議桌(180x75)one IBM conference table (180x75 cm)
1張圓桌(四人份)1 round table (for four people)
7、選手服裝規定:Participant Dress Code:
①參賽者必須穿著工作服,遵守個人體態並保持衛生。(可參考餐飲服務檢定服儀規範)Participants must wear work uniforms, maintain personal grooming, and ensure cleanliness. (Refer to the restaurant service dress code guidelines if needed.)
②比賽期間,服裝上不得有個人企業商標,經發現將取消比賽資格。During the competition, no personal or corporate logos are allowed on the clothing. Violation will result in disqualification.
③若發生任何一種違反競賽公平之情況,主辦單位保留取消參賽隊伍資格的權力。The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any team in case of any violations affecting the fairness of the competition.
④大會評審擁有最終優勝審核權及決定權。The judges have the final authority on evaluating and deciding the winners.
二、 評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、是否符合臺南意象呈現Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation 20%
2、主題明確Clear Theme 20%
①中式/西式 Chinese/Western style
②四份食譜、餐食 Four dishes and meals
③節慶主視覺 Festival main visual
3、創意技巧 Creative Skills 20%
①主題特色 Theme Characteristics
②創意 Creativity
③技術 Technical Skill
4、整體構圖/整潔度Overall Composition/Neatness 10%
①外觀 Appearance
②中心點向外擺放 Setup from center outward
③服儀工作服規範 Uniform dress code
5、展台布置Exhibit Booth Arrangement 30%
①原創性 Originality
②美感 Aesthetics
③多樣 Variety
A5創意糕點組 Creative Pastry Group
一、 競賽規則 Competition rules
1、以個人賽靜態模式製作創意糕點,3款分2盤 Make creative pastries in the static mode of individual competition with 3
styles divided into 2 plates.
2、需展台布置、主題說明、食譜及製作流程表 Booth layout, theme description, recipes, and production flow are required.
3、糕點飾外裝飾品、擺設佈置、燈光、桌布均由選手自行攜帶 Pastry decorations, lighting, and tablecloths are all brought by the
contestants themselves.
4、嚴禁作品含有非可食性食材或違反食品添加物規定的材料 It is strictly prohibited for works to contain inedible ingredients or illegal additives.
5、選手要準備作品名稱菜卡 Contestants should prepare a menu card with the title of the work.
6、需附上創作理念及中文配方表 The creative concept and Chinese recipe list must be attached.
7、展示空間60×60cm The display space is 60×60cm.
8、需有臺南元素意向(或臺南食材) Need to have Tainan elements (or Tainan ingredients).
二、評分標準 Judging Criteria
1、是否符合臺南意象呈現 Conformity to Tainan Imagery Presentation 30%
2、主題明確 Clear Theme 20%
3、創意技巧 Creative Skills 20%
4、整體構圖 Overall Composition 20%
5、展台布置 Exhibit Booth Arrangement 10%