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聯絡人Contact:鄭婷文 Joanna Cheng

電話 phone: 0965-318-132

電子郵件 e-mail:



If you have any questions, please contact the T400ICC participant inquiry via Line group, email, or mobile phone.

藝術類別(一) : Art Category ( 1 )

A1 創意果凍花組  Creative Jelly Flower Set


What are the ingredients of jelly flowers? Are they natural?

答: 幾乎都是天然的,譬如說有吉利丁、海藻粉,還有一般坊間買得到的各種果凍粉,都可以拿來製作果凍花。

Answer: They are almost entirely natural, including ingredients like gelatin, seaweed powder, and various commercially available jelly powders.


What are the ingredients of jelly flowers? Are they natural?

答: 工具是用耐腐蝕耐熱針筒,加上醫療用的18針和專業果凍花的花片針(不鏽鋼材質)。雕刻刀、食用色素筆等工具也能用來製作果凍花,呈現完美作品。

Answer: The tools include corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant syringes, medical-grade 18-gauge needles, and specialized stainless steel petal needles for jelly flowers. Carving knives, edible color pens, and other tools can also be used to create perfect jelly flower designs.


What ingredients are used to achieve the beautiful colors in jelly flowers?

答: 一般分為兩種:一種是完全天然的蔬果汁,另一種是食品級烘焙用的食用色素。

Answer: There are generally two types: completely natural fruit and vegetable juices, and food-grade edible colors used in baking.


How are the patterns on jelly flowers created? Where should you start?

答: 依每個人喜歡的造型和圖片,例如卡通圖案和人物,將其雕刻或畫在果凍上,再由老師技術指導完成作品。

Answer: Patterns are created based on the desired shape and image, such as cartoon designs or characters, which are then carved or painted onto the jelly. The final product is completed with guidance from an instructor.


What is the shelf life and best tasting period for jelly flowers?

答: 果凍花蛋糕製作後,冷藏可保存七天,最佳賞味期為製作好的前三天。

Answer: After making a jelly flower cake, it can be refrigerated for up to seven days. The best tasting period is within the first three days after production.


Where can you buy tools and take courses for learning jelly flowers?

答: 果凍花教學老師通常會提供工具,或上網搜尋購買。課程可於各社區大學、勞動部職業技能班、救國團等處學習,或請教專業技能老師。

Answer: Jelly flower instructors often provide the tools, or you can search online to purchase them. Courses are available at community colleges, vocational training programs from the Ministry of Labor, and organizations like the National Salvation Corps, or you can consult with professional skill teachers.



Are there beginner and advanced classes for jelly flowers? What is the difficulty level?


答: 果凍花蛋糕初階班主要製作單朵花藝造型,進階班則使用18針製作動物毛髮、畫圖或雕刻。

Answer: Beginner classes focus on creating single flower designs, while advanced classes use 18-gauge needles to create animal fur, draw patterns, or carve more complex designs.



Is there an age limit for learning jelly flowers?

答: 沒有年齡限制,但12歲以下孩童需大人陪伴。

Answer: There is no age limit, but children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.


What are the developmental prospects of learning jelly flowers, and how does it benefit learners?

答: 果凍花適合臺灣氣候,天然且無負擔,依個人口味訂製,適合推廣教學,能讓二度就業者或跨領域者增加收入。

Answer: Jelly flowers are suitable for Taiwan's climate, are natural and low-maintenance, and can be customized to individual tastes. They are ideal for promotion and teaching, and can help increase income for those seeking re-employment or working in different fields.


How long does it take to make jelly flowers, and what is the market price?

答: 初學者製作一個8吋作品需2~4小時,市場價格在750元~1800元之間。

​Answer: Beginners typically need 2 to 4 hours to create an 8-inch piece. Market prices range from 750 to 1800 TWD.

A2 創意馬卡龍組 Creative Macaroon Set

1. 馬卡龍尺寸大小有特別限定嗎?

Is there any specific size requirement for the macarons?

答: 尺寸沒有特別限定,您可以根據主題自由調整大小。

​Answer:  There is no specific size requirement; you can adjust the size based on your chosen theme.

2. 馬卡龍造型有特別限定嗎?

Is there any specific shape requirement for the macarons?

答: 造型不拘於傳統圓形,您可以進行多樣化設計和變化。

​Answer:  The shape is not limited to the traditional round form; you can explore various designs and variations.

3. 馬卡龍顏色是否有限定?

Is there any color restriction for the macarons?

答: 色彩沒有特別限制,您可以根據主題自由選擇適合的配色。

​Answer: There are no specific color restrictions; you are free to choose colors that align with your theme.

4. 馬卡龍表面裝飾是否有限制?

Are there any limitations on surface decorations for the macarons?

答: 馬卡龍表面可以進行繪畫或裝飾,不受傳統造型限制,允許創新設計。

Answer: You can paint or decorate the surface of the macarons, breaking away from traditional design limitations and embracing creativity.

5. 是否可以使用非食材(如紙或非可食用裝飾品)來進行裝飾,還是所有元素必須可食用?

Can non-edible materials (like paper or non-edible decorations) be used, or must all elements be edible?

答: 馬卡龍的本體及所有裝飾必須完全可食用,不允許使用非食材作為裝飾。

​Answer: The entire macaron, including all decorations, must be completely edible. Non-edible materials are not allowed.

A3韓式裱花組 Korean Flower Piping Cake Group

1. 蛋糕高度至少15cm,可以大於15cm以上,是嗎?

The cake must be at least 15 cm in height. Can it be taller than 15 cm?


答: 是的,參賽者可以選擇4+6吋雙層,豆沙擠花裝飾蛋糕方式呈現≧15cm的裝飾蛋糕呈現。    

Answer: Yes, participants can choose to present a double-layer cake of 4+6 inches, decorated with bean paste flower piping, as long as the height is ≥15 cm.


What elements need to be included to represent the "Tainan imagery"?

答: 豆沙擠花裝飾蛋糕的視覺展示必須有台南意象呈現的主題,但具體內容可以由參賽者參考台南古都花卉蔬果風情創意設計。

Answer: The visual display of the bean paste flower piping cake must include a theme that represents Tainan imagery, but the specific content can be creatively designed by the participant, referencing the cultural and natural elements of Tainan.


Is there a limit to the number of flowers for each type of flower piping (at least three types)?

答:  參賽者需要豆沙擠花的花型有三種以上〈≧3種〉不同的花型,不同花型的數量沒有限制,由參賽者自行創意設計。   

Answer: Participants must include at least three (≥3) different types of flower piping. There is no limit to the number of each flower type, allowing for creative design by the participant.

4. 可以使用保麗龍代替真蛋糕,是否有特殊規則?

Can Styrofoam be used instead of a real cake, and are there any special rules?

答: 保麗龍代替真蛋糕沒有特殊規則,比照規則蛋糕夾層(至少要有一層夾餡,請選手自行選擇4吋或6吋切片呈現)。 
Answer: There are no special rules for using Styrofoam in place of a real cake. Participants should follow Rule 4, which requires at least one layer of filling, and they may choose to present a 4-inch or 6-inch sliced cake.



Can other materials (such as fondant or chocolate) be used for the cake frosting?

答: 參賽者應該要以主題「韓式豆花擠花裝飾蛋糕」為依歸,原料以豆沙為主,不能使用其他原料。    
Answer: Participants must adhere to the theme of "Korean-style bean paste flower piping cake," using bean paste as the main material. Other materials are not permitted.


6. 蛋糕組合是否可以現場組合完成?

Can the cake be assembled on-site?

答: 參賽者如需現場組合蛋糕,必須自行把握現場賽前的展示準備時間,並將成品於呈列時間內放置在展示桌子上後離開,不得耽誤比賽開始時間,否則將予取消參賽資格;評審將於比賽時間開始評審。 
Answer: If participants need to assemble the cake on-site, they must complete the assembly during the allotted preparation time before the competition begins. The final product must be placed on the display table within the specified time frame. Failure to meet this deadline may result in disqualification by the judges.


7. 主辦單位提供展示桌面的尺寸?

What are the dimensions of the display table provided by the organizers?

答: 主辦單位將提供每個參賽者展示桌面大小為60cm x60cm。   
Answer: The organizers will provide each participant with a display table that measures 60 cm x 60 cm.



Do participants need to prepare all the display items themselves?

答: 是的,參賽者需要自行攜帶包括桌布、主題名稱與製作緣由、食譜與製程說明等所有擺設物品。    
Answer: Yes, participants must bring all display items themselves, including tablecloths, the theme title and description, recipes, and process explanations.


9.  食譜單卡展示架是否需要自製?

Do participants need to create their own recipe card display stand?

答: 是的,參賽者需自行創建食譜單卡展示架,並將其放置在桌子上。   

Answer: Yes, participants must create their own recipe card display stand and place it on the table.

10. 參賽者的服裝有何規定?

Are there any specific requirements for participants' attire?

答: 參賽者必須穿著符合規定的工作服〈廚師服〉,保持整潔衛生,並不得在服裝上展示任何個人企業商標。   
Answer: Participants are required to wear appropriate work attire (chef's uniform), maintain cleanliness, and are not allowed to display any personal or corporate logos on their clothing.

A4節慶餐桌擺設組 Festive Table Setting Set

1. 參賽者可以選擇中式擺設和西式擺設嗎?

Can participants choose between Chinese and Western table settings?

答: 是的,參賽者可選擇中式或西式擺設方式。

Answer: Yes, participants can choose either Chinese or Western table settings.

2. 餐桌中央的主視覺展示需要包含哪些元素?

What elements must be included in the central visual display of the table?


答: 餐桌中央主視覺展示須代表臺南節慶主題,具體內容可由參賽者自行設計。

Answer: The central visual display of the table must represent the Tainan festival theme. Participants can design the specific content themselves.

3. 參賽者是否需要自行準備所有擺設物品?

Do participants need to prepare all the table setting items themselves?


答: 是的,參賽者需自行攜帶桌布、餐具、瓷器、餐巾紙等擺設物品。

Answer: Yes, participants must bring their own tablecloths, tableware, porcelain, napkins, and other table setting items.

4. 餐桌設計是否必須包括一份符合臺南在地風味的食譜?

Must the table design include a recipe that reflects Tainan's local flavors?


答: 是的,需選用符合臺南在地風味的食譜,並將餐食擺放在餐桌上。

Answer: Yes, participants must use a recipe that reflects Tainan’s local flavors and arrange the food on the table.

5. 參賽者的服裝有何規定?

Are there any dress code requirements for participants?

答: 參賽者必須穿著符合規定的工作服,保持整潔衛生,不得展示個人企業商標。

Answer: Participants must wear approved work attire that is clean and hygienic. Personal or company logos are not allowed.

6. 比賽的時間限制是多少?

What is the time limit for the competition?


答: 參賽者需在60分鐘內完成桌面設置和環境整潔工作。

Answer: Participants must complete the table setup and ensure the environment is clean within 60 minutes.

7. 主辦單位提供哪些設施或物品?

What facilities or items does the organizer provide?


答: 主辦單位提供一張IBM會議桌(180x75cm)和一張四人份的圓桌。

Answer: The organizer provides an IBM conference table (180x75 cm) and a round table for four people.

8. 桌子擺設應從哪個方向開始?

From which direction should the table setting start?

答: 擺設應從桌子中心向外開始。

Answer: The setting should start from the center of the table and work outward.

9. 菜單卡支架是否需要自製?

Must the menu card holder be homemade?


答: 是的,參賽者需自製菜單卡支架並放置於桌子上,按照菜單需求擺放餐具。

Answer: Yes, participants must create their own menu card holders and place them on the table according to the menu requirements.

10. 評審是否有權取消參賽隊伍的資格?

Do judges have the authority to disqualify participating teams?

答: 是的,主辦單位保留取消違反競賽公平情況參賽隊伍資格的權力,且評審擁有最終決定權。

Answer: Yes, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify teams that violate competition fairness, and judges have the final decision-making authority.

A5創意糕點組 Creative Pastry Group


Can creative pastries be presented using Western-style pastry techniques?

答: 不能,必須用中式酥油皮或糕皮來呈現。

Answer: No, they must be presented using Chinese flaky pastry or cake dough.


Are there specific requirements for the filling of creative pastries?

答: 有,必須使用臺南食材。

Answer: Yes, the filling must use Tainan ingredients.


Can the flaky pastry be fried?

答: 可以,不論烤或炸皆可。

Answer: Yes, it can be either baked or fried.


Is it allowed to bring molds or small tools?

答: 可以,製作上必須的工具皆可攜帶。

Answer: Yes, tools necessary for production can be brought.


Is the use of colorants allowed?

答: 可以,但必須使用食品級且檢驗合格的色素。

Answer: Yes, but only food-grade colorants that are tested and approved.


Can anything be used for decoration?

答: 擺在盤中的所有東西都必須可食用。

Answer: Everything placed on the plate must be edible.


Does the serving plate need to be made of porcelain?

答: 不一定,只要符合食安且美觀即可。

Answer: Not necessarily; as long as it meets food safety standards and is aesthetically pleasing, it is acceptable.


Are there any special requirements for the outer skin or filling of the creative pastries?

答: 沒有,只要使用臺南在地食材即可。

Answer: No special requirements, as long as Tainan local ingredients are used.


Are there size or weight restrictions for the pastries in the competition?

答: 無限制,但需符合簡章規定的3款2盤要求。

Answer: There are no restrictions, but the pastries must meet the requirement of 3 types on 2 plates as outlined in the competition rules.


Do the two plates of decorations need to be of the same size?

答: 可以相同,也可以不一樣,只需分成兩盤相同份量展示即可。

Answer: They can be the same or different sizes, as long as the quantity is equal on both plates.


Can pastries like mung bean cake or pineapple cake be included in the competition?

答: 可以,酥油皮和糕槳皮皆可使用。

Answer: Yes, both flaky pastry and cake dough can be used.


Is it necessary to wear chef's attire while setting up the products? Are there any color requirements?

答: 需要,顏色不限。

Answer: Yes, wearing chef's attire is required, but there is no color restriction.


How long is the setup time for the products?

答: 1小時。

Answer: 1 hour.

B 藝術類(二) Art Display (2)

B1翻糖蛋糕裝飾 Fondant Cake Decoration


Can the cake be placed on the display table along with its display box?

答: 可以。

Answer: Yes, it can.


Are supports and wire frames allowed?


​Answer: Supports are allowed, but the wires should not be visible.

B2糖霜餅乾裝飾 Decorated Cookies


Is it allowed to stack cookies to create the artwork?

答: 可以。

Answer: Yes, it is allowed.


Can royal icing cookies be decorated with other items (such as fondant or meringue)?

答: 都可以。

Answer: Yes, they can be.


Do royal icing cookies need to be fully covered, or can part of the cookie be exposed?

答: 需要全部覆蓋。

Answer: They need to be fully covered.

B3創意麵包 Innovative Bread


Does the bread need to be placed on a plate, or can it be placed directly on the table?

答: 需要有展布、器皿或盤子等。

Answer: It needs to be placed on a display cloth, container, or plate.


Are there specific types of dough required for creative bread?

答: 依規章說明。

Answer: Follow the regulations as specified.


B4靜態盤式甜點 Display of Plated Desserts


Are there regulations on how many items should be placed on the plate?


答: 需要一款主體和一個附件,並搭配醬汁及配件。

Answer: One main item and one accessory are required, along with sauce and accompaniments.


Is there a height requirement for plate desserts?

答: 沒有。

Answer: No, there is no height requirement.


B5創意果醬畫盤 Innovative Jam Drawing Plate


Are plates provided by the event, or should participants bring their own?

答: 自帶。

Answer: Participants should bring their own plates.

B6創意和菓子 Innovative Wagashi


Is it allowed to use decorative items like sugar pearls?

答: 建議果子要有創意。

Answer: Creativity in the sweets is encouraged.

B7靜態蔬果雕 Display of Carving Fruits & Vegetables


What is the height requirement for the display?

答: 依規章說明。

Answer: Follow the regulations as specified.


Are supports and wire frames allowed?

答: 允許使用支撐,但不可以看到鐵絲。

Answer: Supports are allowed, but the wires should not be visible.

B8現場蛋糕裝飾 On-site Cake Decoration


Can the cake base be prepared in advance?

答: 可以。

Answer: Yes, it can be.



Can fresh cream or fondant be pre-colored?

答: 可以。

Answer: Yes, it can be.


Is there a requirement to use only fresh cream, or can fondant be used for decorations?

答: 鮮奶油、翻糖、巧克力、杏仁膏都可以使用。

Answer: Fresh cream, fondant, chocolate, and almond paste can all be used.


Is a 110V power source or mixer provided?

答: 沒有。

Answer: No, it is not provided.


C 現場熱烹類別 Live hot cooking category

​1.食材是否可以預先加工? 再到現場二次處理?
Can the ingredients be pre-processed and then processed again on site?    


No, need to keep uncooked

2. 是否可事先舒肥?
Can I Sous Vide beforehand?    


No, sous vide becomes cooked food, which is not in compliance with regulations.


Should I preheat the serving dish?    


Please make your own assessment based on your cooking needs.


4. 盤子是否有規定顏色、尺寸?
Are there any specified colors and sizes for the plates?    


No, please stay within a reasonable range and pay attention to the size of the display space


To what extent can the ingredients be cut in advance?    


They can be cut, cleaned and packaged in advance. Please note that they must be uncooked


6. 成品的份量需為幾人份?
How many servings does the finished product need to be?    


Each plate is a main dish for one person. Please note that two plates are required.


7. 食材可事先醃製嗎?
Can the ingredients be marinated in advance?    




8. 可否先處理肉類? EX.打成慕斯、醃漬
Can I process the meat first? EX. Make it into mousse, marinate it    


Can be made into mousse, but needs to be seasoned on the spot but cannot be pickled or marinated


9. 是否可使用食用花
Can edible flowers be used?    


Fair use is acceptable


10. 擺放成品的桌面大小?
What is the size of the tabletop where the finished product will be placed?    


答:60 x 60 CM
60 * 60 CM


11. 中式料理可帶揉好的麵皮嗎?
Can Chinese cuisine be served with pre-kneaded dough?  


答: 可


12. 料理台是工作冰箱還是純工作台
Is the cooking table a working refrigerator or just a workbench?    


Only workbench, no refrigerator function, please pay attention to the freshness of the ingredients.


13. 食譜表如因食材較多,是否可以合併成一張?
If the recipe list has many ingredients, can it be combined into one?    


Please consider the judges' eyesight and make the font easy to read. Please do not make it too small.


14. 市售青醬可以使用?
Can commercially available pesto sauce be used?    


Flavored products are not allowed


15. 叉燒、火腿可以帶嗎?
Can I bring barbecued pork and ham?  


答: 不可,入場之食材皆需為”生食”
No, all food must be uncooked.


16. 西餐現烹類可以帶酥皮嗎?
Can Western food be prepared with puff pastry?    


There are only four stoves with ovens on site, please make your own assessment


17. 除了肉及海鮮其他辛香料是否可以使用?
Can other spices be used besides meat and seafood?    


Anything for seasoning


18. 可否攜帶半成品?
Can I bring semi-finished products?    


No, all ingredients must not be processed or seasoned in advance.


19. 肉類可以先走水嗎?
Can meat be soaked in water ?  


答: 可以


20. 可以使用大豆卵磷脂嗎?
Can I use soy lecithin?  


答: 可以


21. 乾貨可以事先泡發好?
Can dried food be soaked in advance?  


答:  可以,但請保持生食
Yes, but please keep it uncooked


22.中式肉類有規定不能使用西式類的蔬果嗎? 以及西式的切割手法?

Are there any rules that prohibit the use of Western-style fruits and vegetables when cooking Chinese meat? And how to cut it in the Western way?


Vegetables and fruits are not limited by nationality. There is no limit on cutting methods.

23. 醬汁可以先調好裝瓶嗎?
Can the sauce be prepared and bottled first?    


Do not mix in advance. The original sauce can be bottled according to the amount used. Please pay attention to the professional skills of the on-site judges. Please keep the original sauce for the judges to check when entering.


24. 請問醬汁是要當場熬煮還是可以事先熬好?
Do I need to cook the sauce on the spot or can I make it in advance?    


On-site Cooking required


25. 多種調味料,可否事先混合?
Can I mix multiple seasonings in advance?    


No, please pay attention to the on-site judges who will evaluate your professional skills. Please keep the original seasoning for the judges to check.


26. 可以先秤好調味,不用帶原包裝嗎
Can I weigh the seasoning first, without bringing the original packaging?    


Yes, but do not mix. Please keep the seasonings separate.


27. 可攜帶煮好的高湯嗎?
Can I bring stock with me?    


Yes, but not for seasoning


28. 中式現烹的裝飾是否可先烹調?
Can Chinese hot-cooked garnishes be cooked first?    


All ingredients must be uncooked


29. 現烹是否可以自備平面爐?
Can I bring my own induction cooker for hot cooking?    


答:台面僅提供110v 15a電力一式,請確保不會跳電即可。
The table only provides 110v 15a power, please make sure there is no power outage.


30. 原民料理與異國料理能否攜帶生鮮葉類作為裝飾    

Indigenous cuisine and international cuisine can carry fresh leafy greens as decoration?


​Answer: Yes, but please ensure they are edible, non-toxic, and thoroughly cleaned.


D 靜態冷展類別 Cold Display Category/ Culinary Art​

​D1 前菜Appetizer


Is the appetizer plate limited to only 28 cm plates?

答: 盤子大小僅供參考,但必須符合個人份開胃前菜使用的盛盤器皿。

Answer: The plate size is just a reference, but it must be appropriate for serving an individual portion of the appetizer.


Should the appetizer consist of two seafood dishes and one vegetable dish?

答: 開胃前菜盤以一人份呈現,一個盤子中有三個餐點元素,包含兩種海鮮類及一種蔬食類。

Answer: The appetizer plate is presented as an individual portion, with one plate containing three elements: two seafood items and one vegetable item.


Is there a requirement for the appetizer to be served cold or hot?

答: 不拘限冷前菜或熱前菜,但必須是適合個人份開胃前菜的份量大小,且口味協調、主題明確。

Answer: There is no restriction on serving cold or hot appetizers, but it must be in an appropriate portion size for an individual appetizer, with well-balanced flavors and a clear theme.

D2 主菜 Main Courses


Is it only necessary to present one plate for the main course?

答: 本活動以推廣在地食材、臺南文化、永續生態,並延伸到料理國際化,故希望讓更多人投入參與,以個人一人組,並展示一盤,希望大家多多報名本大賽之其他類別以及其他品項,期望多人多認同活動進而達到推廣的效應。

Answer: This event aims to promote local ingredients, Tainan culture, and sustainable ecology, extending to the internationalization of cuisine. Therefore, we hope to encourage more participation. Each contestant will compete as an individual and present one plate. We encourage everyone to sign up for other categories and dishes in the competition to achieve broader recognition and promotion.


Is the display area limited to a 90x45 cm table?

答: 以一張180公分*45公分的會議桌,一桌分成兩組展示。

Answer: A 180 cm x 45 cm conference table will be used, with two groups sharing one table for the display. The arrangement of the display will not be scored, but after the judges' evaluation, participants who wish to promote their restaurant brand are allowed to do so. Space has been reserved for contestants who want to promote their brand.

Are there restrictions on using meat, poultry, or seafood for the main course?


答: 本旨以推廣臺南在地農漁畜牧產品為意,希望大家不分是否職業組、學生組、產銷業者或一般喜愛料理的民眾都能踴躍參與競賽,故放寬難度,希望以個人想法呈現您心中的料理。但須以賽事規章之符合題意、評分標準的料理為主,分數界定皆在評分標準中而論,需體現烹調與上膠技法、符合能營業販售,以及讓臺南農漁畜牧產業、永續農業與漁業走向國際舞台等概念設計餐點。

Answer: The purpose is to promote Tainan's local agricultural, fishing, and livestock products. We hope that regardless of whether you are a professional, a student, a producer, or a cooking enthusiast, everyone will actively participate in the competition. The difficulty level has been relaxed to allow participants to present a dish that reflects their own ideas. However, the dish must align with the event's theme and scoring criteria. Scoring will be based on these standards and should demonstrate cooking techniques, presentation, and be suitable for commercial sale. The dish should also reflect concepts such as promoting Tainan’s agriculture, fishing, and livestock industries, as well as sustainable agriculture and fisheries, bringing them to the international stage.


D3 臺南虱目魚創意料理 Tainan Milkfish Creative Cuisine

How should I choose among appetizer, main course, soup, or dessert? Won't it be difficult to score without a clear standard?


答: 本旨以推廣臺灣虱目魚與水產品為意,希望大家不分是否職業組、學生組、虱目魚業者或一般喜愛料理的民眾都能踴躍參與競賽, 故放寬難度,希望以個人想法呈現您心中的料理。但須以賽事規章之符合題意、評分標準的料理為主,分數界定皆在評分標準中而論,需體現烹調與上膠技法、符合能營業販售,以及讓臺灣虱目魚料理走向國際舞台等概念設計餐點。

Answer: The purpose of this event is to promote Taiwan’s milkfish and seafood products. We hope that whether you are a professional, a student, a milkfish producer, or a cooking enthusiast, everyone will actively participate in the competition. The difficulty level has been relaxed to allow participants to present a dish that reflects their own ideas. However, the dish must adhere to the event’s rules and scoring criteria. Scoring will be based on these standards, and the dish should demonstrate cooking techniques and presentation, be suitable for commercial sale, and incorporate concepts such as bringing Taiwan’s milkfish cuisine to the international stage.

D4 臺南創意料理小吃 Tainan Creative Cuisine and Snacks


What does Tainan Creative Snack Cuisine refer to?


答: 指的是在臺南市內街邊能容易購買到的著名小吃類,再以個人創意創作理念結合的料理,呈現出一盤賽事主旨、規章、符合題意、評分標準之一人份餐點,並須適合營業場所販售之料理菜餚。旨以推廣臺南在地小吃,希望大家不分是否職業組、學生組、小吃業者或一般喜愛料理的民眾都能踴躍參與競賽, 故放寬難度,希望以個人想法呈現您心中的料理。但須以賽事規章之符合題意、評分標準的料理為主,體現烹調與上膠技法、符合能營業販售,以及讓臺南小吃美食走向國際舞台等概念設計餐點。
Answer: It refers to the well-known street snacks that can be easily purchased in Tainan City, combined with individual creative ideas to form a dish. The dish should reflect the event’s theme, rules, and scoring criteria, and be presented as an individual portion suitable for commercial sale. The goal is to promote Tainan's local snacks, and we hope that whether you are a professional, a student, a snack vendor, or a cooking enthusiast, everyone will actively participate in the competition. The difficulty level has been relaxed to allow participants to present a dish that reflects their own ideas. However, the dish must adhere to the event’s rules and scoring criteria, demonstrating cooking techniques and presentation, suitability for commercial sale, and concepts such as bringing Tainan’s snack cuisine to the international stage.

D5 臺南特色辦桌 (8-10 人份) Tainan specialty banquet table cuisine (for 8-10 people)


How should the banquet table cuisine be presented for the competition?

答: 臺南在地有許多知名辦桌宴會大師,希望讓校園學生組、職業廚師等各大辦桌總鋪師們,甚至是喜愛料理的民眾們,也都能參與推廣自家料理,以8~10人份去呈現出宴會辦桌文化與美食。不侷限選手以大盤上或位上呈現,但評分同受賽事主旨、符合題意、評分標準為依據。

Answer: Tainan is home to many well-known banquet masters. We hope that school student groups, professional chefs, and banquet chefs, as well as cooking enthusiasts, can participate in promoting their own dishes by presenting the banquet table culture and cuisine for 8-10 people. There is no restriction on whether the dish is presented on large platters or individually plated, but scoring will be based on the event’s theme, alignment with the requirements, and scoring criteria.


Is there a requirement for specific types of dishes?

答: 不侷限種類,要以前菜類、肉類主菜類、海鮮類、澱粉主食類、羹湯類、點心類皆可以。符合賽事主旨、規章、評分標準的技法為加分條件。

​Answer: There are no restrictions on the types of dishes. It can include appetizers, meat-based main courses, seafood, starchy mains, soups, or desserts. Following the event's theme, rules, and demonstrating the required techniques will be considered bonus criteria.



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